We have tested 6 cosmetic products, 100 pieces each, on the zenysro.cz community. More than 2000 testers signed up for the testing and wrote 1396 unique reviews. These were published on the comparison site Heureka.cz, the zenysro.cz community and the Notino.cz and dm.cz online stores. The client decided to support the reach of the campaign with a PR article on a selected community, which was seen by over 400 thousand visitors to the site.
Online shopping is becoming more and more common among customers. Linked to this behaviour is the phenomenon of reviews, which greatly influence whether a customer buys a product or not. This is particularly difficult for products new to the market. There are few or no reviews. The customer therefore often postpones or does not make the purchase. Brands often have no feedback on which they can then optimise their targeting and campaigns.
We you planned a 6-week testing campaign supported by a PR article on a community portal to complement the customer's go-to-market strategy. During the first few days, we were able to watch the testing challenge fill up with new registrations. After 4 days, we were able to send out the products to testers. The result is over 1300 unique reviews that are objective and authentic. High positive tester reviews are such valuable feedback for both the client and their undecided potential customers..