How do baby boomers perceive online reviews? Over stars they want text

Aleš Randa

2 min

There are quite a few boomers in the Czech Republic and they are a valuable target group for many brands. Most of them are retired, have grown up children and enough money to buy even more expensive products. But how do they perceive online reviews? Do they trust them? And are they important to them at all? Find out more in today's article.

Who are the boomers?

Boomers are most commonly referred to as the generation born between 1946 and 1964, the period after World War II. Today they are about 60 years old and mostly retired. They often behave in a unique way in the marketplace because of this:

  • They prefer to buy in brick-and-mortar stores.
  • They rely on trust.
  • They prefer price convenience.
  • They want to have a vibrant, active relationship with brands and employees.
  • They have very high expectations of customer support, and they particularly value the professionalism of salespeople and their ability to give good advice.

How do reviews affect the buying decisions of boomers?

Every review campaign must have a clear target audience. You're likely to target boomers as a brand in pharmaceuticals, fashion, home décor, or even larger electronics (TV). What should you focus on to really speak their language? Find out more with the following survey:

  • Reviews interest boomers. 70% specifically look only for sites that offer them, nearly 40% also research them when shopping in a brick-and-mortar store. 77% need to see videos and photos. And if perhaps a product doesn't have any reviews, as many as ¾ won't buy it.
  • They are looking for more than just stars. For 54%, a mere visual review is not enough to buy a product. 34% will always click through to the full text to see what led a person to rate it. They most trust their age group or an expert's opinion.
  • They examine the quantity and date of texts. 44% are more likely not to buy a product with less than 100 reviews, 61% take extra care with new and unfamiliar products. 34% get nervous if they are more than a year old.
  • They learn the most from negative reviews. 53% purposely look for 1-star reviews, 40% don't trust a flawless rating.
  • 81% are concerned about fake reviews, 61% think the number of fake reviews is increasing.
  • Even boomers write reviews! 55% several times a month, 21% at least once. 13% add one about every 3 months.

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