E-book: How to do effective review marketing

Aleš Randa

1 min

This e-book is based on the results of dozens of experiments, surveys, observations and other expert studies that clearly show that effective review marketing is a superpower you simply can't be without as a brand. You'll use quality reviews at every phase of running your business-from the initial pitch and product testing, to product launch, promotion, advertising, PR, and final conversion.

The e-book covers the following topics:

  • How to collect reviews effectively and motivate people to write them
  • What quality reviews that sell look like
  • How the performance of reviews is affected by their quality, quantity and age
  • What does a review site that sells look like?
  • How to stay within the law when doing review marketing
  • How to respond to reviews properly
  • How to use reviews proactively
  • How to evaluate the effect of reviews using ROI and NPS
  • Why review marketing works in a crisis
No e-mail addresses, no phone numbers. The e-book can be viewed or downloaded for free, with no requirements.

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