About the client
Walmark offers consumers the best choice in healthcare support through continuous innovation and a strong market position. The company has been selling its products in more than 50 countries for 30 years. Walmark's yellow line portfolio includes vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts or combinations thereof. The brand is part of the multinational holding company STADA Arzneimittel AG.
STADA Czech Republic is a global and growing pharmaceutical company that has been committed to people's health and well-being for 125 years. The company's mission is "Taking care of people's health from the position of a trusted partner".
Walmark had its products tested and rated by consumers in 4 European countries. The countries were Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania.
Each country nominated local products for testing. Some were bestsellers, others new products.
4 598
Registered testers
Interest in testing was unexpectedly high. A staggering 3,294 consumers registered in the Czech Republic, 773 in Hungary, 342 in Slovakia and 189 in Lithuania.
4 598
Completed questionnaires
The client has extensive and detailed information on the consumers within its target group, including details of their consumer behaviour in four different countries.
Boxes of vitamins and minerals sent out
A record number of products were sent out in one campaign. This was a complex task as different vitamins and minerals were distributed within the country and to different countries.
Each tester was assigned to write 2 or more unique reviews for pre-selected e-commerce platforms.
Reviews published on Testuj.to (Czech Republic and Slovakia):
Reviews published on Brand Testing Club (Hungary and Lithuania):
Example of the created UGC:
Beta Glukan 200 mg Premium
- I do not care about the time of day, I swallow only one tablet a day
- Softer course of infection
- Bigger tablet, harder to swallow
I had the opportunity to try Beta Glucan tablets. I have tried many things after covid, but it doesn't help much. While using this supplement I caught a cold again, but I would say that the course of the infection was faster and milder. I believe that if I take it for several months, the effect will be even greater. The pill is a bit bigger, so it is harder to swallow, but the advantage is that I don't have to worry about how long I can take it. For me, satisfaction.

Pupalka dvojročná 1000mg
- Natural based product
- The first results came relatively quickly
- Package size - I prefer larger
- Capsule size
The dietary supplement Evening primrose surprised me with the rapid onset of the first effects. Before and during menstruation I suffered from pain and my skin got very bad during this time period. While taking Evening primrose, I only had pain on the first day of my period and my skin was much better, almost rash free. I also wasn't as nervous and irritable. The downside for me is the size of the package. I prefer bigger ones that last longer. Personally, I would have liked smaller capsules. It would be easier to increase the dose just before and during menstruation. The capsules were easy to swallow despite the size. The product met my expectations.

Although Walmark stands for quality, it doesn't want to get lost in the crowd
For our client, it was crucial to find out how consumers think about the brand and the yellow line of products, what they expect from the brand, whether, for example, the information that these products are produced under the same conditions as certified pharmaceuticals plays a role for them, and how Walmark products stand up to them. This is despite the fact that the brand has been on the market for a long time.
Up to 4 countries where Walmark operates have expressed interest in feedback
Testovány byly produkty žluté řady Walmark. V každé zemi, Česko, Slovensko, Maďarsko, Litva, byly testovány tři produkty po 50 kusech, celkem tedy proběhlo 12 testování. Původně se plánovalo, že se v každé zemi budou testovat stejné produkty, nicméně každá země chtěla testovat své bestsellery, a tak bylo rozhodnuto, že si každá země vybere k testování produkty podle svého výběru. Výzvou pro nás bylo připravit vůbec první testovací kampaň na neznámém litevském trhu.
What did the campaign bring?
As part of the campaign, our client received more than 900 reviews along with information on the popularity of each product in each country. We found out that the most popular product in the Czech Republic is Beta Glucan, in Slovakia Evening primrose, in Hungary Plus Mega D Forte and in Lithuania Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc. The products received an average rating of 4.8 stars and the materials and reviews can be used by our client for e-commerce, social media and communication with the professional public. Walmark chose to use our review translation service and can now use the reviews in all the countries in which they operate. The value is multiplied by their usability.
In addition to the UGC material, our client received thousands of questionnaires about our testers' preferences and detailed analysis with clear graphs and tables that our client can use for further marketing planning and development.
Testing across the four countries was very successful. In the Czech Republic, Beta Glucan was the highest rated product, with a rating of 4.8 and 132 reviews, where testers appreciated most the natural ingredients and quality. In Slovakia, the top-rated product was the dietary supplement Evening primrose 1000 mg, which received a rating of 4.6 and 131 reviews. Testers stated in their reviews that their skin quality improved after taking the dietary supplement and that they would continue to recommend the product. Although we are still building Testuj.to's reputation in Hungary, we managed to get 84 reviews and a rating of 4.9 stars. The highest rated product was Plus Mega D Forte 4000. Testing in Lithuania was also successful, where, although it was the first testing campaign, the most popular product, Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc, received a rating of 4.8 and 91 reviews. The Walmark yellow products campaign can thus be described as very successful.
Our testers recommend all products
At least 80% of the testers in each testing recommended the products to their friends and family, which is why each of the tested products has received our quality seal and the Testuj.to Recommends stamp." This recommendation can be an important factor for potential consumers when deciding between two competing products.
Client's statement:
Our biggest international project so far with Brand Testing Club has been a real milestone. I am proud to say that we have collected more than 500 reviews that we can now use in every market where the Walmark brand operates. We have a rich collection of images, videos, translated reviews and questionnaires. It's a treasure trove that opens the door to a variety of marketing opportunities - both in the digital environment and beyond. Our products and brand can now speak to both the general public and healthcare professionals. Our thanks to the Test.to team for these great results.

Kateřina Janoušková
International Digital marketing manager
Brand Testing Club statement:
We weren't used to doing international campaigns on this scale regularly, so this was a challenge for us. Especially in Lithuania, where we tested for the first time. In the end, everything went well and we are satisfied with the results. We collected hundreds of reviews, photos, and completed questionnaires, which provide valuable insights.

Zuzana Burzová
Project & Customer Success Manager