UGC and reviews through the eyes of generations: what's important to Baby Boomers or Gen Z?

Aleš Randa

9 min


Consumer behaviour changes with each generation, and this also applies to their perception of user-generated content and online reviews. To effectively reach their target audience, brands need to understand how different age groups approach reviews, what formats they prefer and what motivates them to buy.

In this article, we'll look at how UGC and online reviews are influencing purchase decisions for each generation - from Baby Boomers to Generation Alpha - and provide tips on how to tailor marketing strategies to their specific needs and preferences.


Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964)

Baby Boomers make up a generation that has great financial potential and frequently shop for themselves and their families. Many are already retired and have plenty of time and resources to shop. While they still prefer face-to-face contact, they are no strangers to the online world.

Emphasis on detailed reviews and text ratings

Baby Boomers often make purchasing decisions based on text reviews. For them, stars are not a sufficient indicator of quality - they need to read detailed experiences of other consumers to help them understand whether a product meets their expectations.

Concerns about fake reviews

For Baby Boomers, concerns about fake reviews are significant. This generation is very sensitive to authenticity, and if they feel that reviews are not trustworthy, it can greatly distort their purchasing decisions.

  • 81% of Baby Boomers are concerned about fake reviews, which affects their confidence in online shopping.

Reviews also influence purchases in brick-and-mortar stores

Even though Baby Boomers prefer traditional shopping, online reviews still play a significant role, even when visiting brick-and-mortar stores. This approach confirms that their decision-making is often influenced by the information they have obtained in advance from reviews.

  • 39% of Baby Boomers read online reviews directly in brick-and-mortar stores before making a final decision.

Brand recommendations

Offering trusted, in-depth text reviews from consumers in their age group is essential for Baby Boomers. Brands should actively combat fake reviews and allow even critical reviews to be displayed, which will strengthen their confidence in the product. Negative reviews don't discourage - on the contrary, they help Baby Boomers make better decisions.

Generation X (born 1965-1980)

Generation X is a middle-aged group that is often in the prime of their careers and has a stable financial income. They are consumers who combine the online and offline worlds, have extensive shopping experience and can be very discerning when it comes to product quality and reliability. These people tend to be more cautious than younger generations, but also more open to technological innovation than Baby Boomers.

They focus on the volume and timeliness of reviews

For Generation X, it is very important that a product has a sufficient number of reviews. If there are only a few reviews, it can significantly reduce their trust in the product. In addition to volume, the age of the reviews plays a key role - Gen X wants to see that the reviews are new and relevant.

  • 60% of Gen Xers prefer products with more than 1,000 reviews.
  • 62% will leave a site and look for alternative products if all reviews are older than one year.

Emphasis on reliability and performance

Unlike younger generations who are more focused on innovative and trendy products, Generation X prefers reliability and long-term performance. Reviews that emphasize that a product performs its function reliably and without problems have a big impact on their purchasing decisions.

Brand recommendations

  • Ensure reviews are voluminous and up-to-date - Generation X is very sensitive to the number of reviews and their timeliness, which can greatly affect their confidence in the product.
  • Emphasize reliability and performance - Reviews that focus on long-term performance and reliability are key for this generation.
  • Transparent review system - Allow negative reviews to be posted as well, which will strengthen this discerning generation's trust in the product.

Millennials (born 1981-1996)

Millennials make up the largest living generation, and they are also the group with the highest proportion of online shoppers. More than 85% of them shop digitally, which is much higher than older generations. These consumers are tech-savvy and close to the online environment, where reviews and ratings play a key role in their buying process.

Purposeful search for negative reviews

Millennials are not just consumers of positive reviews. On the contrary, they also pay close attention to negative reviews because they provide a realistic view of potential product issues. For this generation, the absence of negative reviews is suspicious and can lead to distrust of the product.

  • 97% of millennials actively seek out negative reviews.
  • 60% specifically seek out one-star reviews to better understand worst-case scenarios.
  • 47% of Millennials are suspicious of products with perfect five-star ratings.

The importance of reviews when buying more expensive products

For millennials, buying expensive products is more risky, which is why they place a lot of emphasis on reviews when deciding whether to buy these products. Here, reviews act as a tool to help mitigate risk and provide the reassurance needed.

  • 86% of millennials read more reviews when buying more expensive products.
  • 28% of them are also more likely to write a review just for more expensive products.

Brand recommendations

  • Focus on negative reviews - Millennials want to see transparent and authentic reviews that include the negative aspects of the product.
  • Encourage reviews for more expensive products - For more expensive products, it's crucial to have enough reviews as millennials actively seek them out before purchasing.
  • Provide a great shopping experience - Great products and services lead to positive reviews. Millennials write reviews primarily after a positive experience.

Generation Z (born 1997-2013)

Generation Z is the generation that grew up in a time when the internet was a normal part of everyday life. They are used to constant access to information and have a great grasp of the digital world. Their buying behaviour is highly influenced by social networks and feedback from other users.

Extensive pre-purchase research

Generation Z is known for their diligence when shopping. They spend a lot of time researching products, comparing prices and reading reviews before making a decision.

  • 95% of Gen Z reads product descriptions, specifications and reviews before buying.
  • 86% of compare prices and features on e-commerce sites.
  • 90% watch unboxing videos and video reviews as part of their research.

Social networks as a major source of information

Social networks are a key channel for Gen Z to discover new products. YouTube, Instagram and TikTok are the most common platforms where they get information from influencers and other users. This generation trusts people, not brands, which makes influencer marketing a very effective tool for Gen Z.

  • 85% of Gen Z is influenced by content on YouTube.
  • 84% have made a purchase based on social media content.
  • 85% engage in influencer marketing or follow influencer collaborations.

Recommendations for brands

  • Social as a key channel - Gen Z relies on social to discover new products and brands. It is essential to be active on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.
  • Focus on visual content - Photos and videos in reviews are critical to Gen Z's decision-making process.
  • Personalization and sustainability - This generation expects product personalization and prefers brands that actively focus on sustainability.

Generation Alpha (born since 2010)

Generation Alpha has been fully part of the digital world since birth, and this also fundamentally shapes their buying behavior. Even at a young age, they have a strong influence on their parents' purchasing decisions, both through direct spending and indirectly influencing family purchases. Despite their young age, Generation Alpha is actively involved in the process of choosing products and services.

Visual content as a major factor

Gen Alpha is a generation of visual stimuli. Photos, videos and other forms of visual UGC are key to their decision making. Reviews containing real product photos, unboxing videos or short social media reviews give them an authentic view of products and increase their trust.

Social networks as a source of product discovery

YouTube, TikTok and other platforms play a vital role in how Gen Alpha discovers new products. Influencers who test products and share their experiences are very important to this generation. They often rely on recommendations from people they follow and product reviews in the form of short videos.

Recommendations for brands

  • Visual content and UGC - Photos and videos from real users are a critical factor for Generation Alpha.
  • Social Media and Influencers - Brands should leverage platforms like YouTube and TikTok to showcase authentic content and partner with influencers who are trusted by this generation. Authenticity and real product experiences are key to building a relationship with this generation.
  • Interactivity and engagement - Gen Alpha likes interactive content. Brands can organize contests and challenges that motivate kids to create their own content.


Each generation has its own specific needs, expectations and ways of responding to ratings and reviews. Therefore, it is key to target each generation and tailor your marketing strategies to what really resonates for that age group.

While some aspects, such as trust in the authenticity of reviews, may cut across generations, it is essential to understand what each generation requires from brands and tailor the way you communicate and offer products accordingly. The right targeted strategy is what will enable you to gain long-term customer loyalty and secure a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Do you have a product aimed at a specific generation? can help you get authentic user-generated content - from reviews to product photos and videos - that speak to your target audience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do Baby Boomers perceive reviews?

Baby Boomers prefer detailed text-based reviews that give them clear product information. Stars are not enough for them, authenticity and detail are important.

2. How do Generation Xers perceive reviews?

Generation X prides itself on a large number of reviews and their timeliness. They trust reviews that emphasize long-term reliability and product performance.

3. How do Millennials perceive reviews?

Millennials read both positive and negative reviews. They seek transparency and pay close attention to reviews for more expensive products to reduce the risk of making a bad purchase.

4. How do Generation Z perceive reviews?

Generation Z is very thorough when reading reviews and pays attention not only to the visual content, such as photos and videos, but also to the timeliness and authenticity of the review. Reviews from peers and influencers they trust are a major influence for them.

5. How do they perceive Generation Alpha reviews?

Generation Alpha has grown up surrounded by technology and it plays a vital role for them. This makes reviews with visual content, such as interactive videos or games, even more crucial to them.

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