Case Studies
Testing | Discover the tangible impact of authentic reviews in the real business world. Dive deep into our curated collection of success stories, showcasing how brands, in collaboration with Brand Testing Club, have harnessed the power of genuine user feedback to elevate their market presence and boost conversions. Witness the transformative journey of our partners, one case at a time. (5)
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How microinfluencer testing saved robotic vacuum cleaners from the competition
The change in the market and the coronavirus has also affected robotic vacuum cleaners ...
ReadBlind tasting for Tekro pleased especially the pets of our testers
The current pandemic is closing schools, restaurants, hotels and dog shelters. It was in ...
Read120 women shopped at Trenýrká and shared reviews of the e-shop and the products they bought
We have tested the purchase and services offered by the Trenýrká e-shop on the ŽENY ...
ReadMysteryshopping testing on e-shop
The aim of the campaign was to bring as many visitors as possible to the ...
ReadComplete online campaign for Swedish cosmetics Barnängen attracts over 2000 testers
We have tested 6 cosmetic products, 100 pieces each, on the community. More ...
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