
Brand Testing Club's Blog

Welcome to the pulse of marketing trends, where we delve into the realms of tester communities, microinfluencers, and the transformative impact of user-generated content. From deep insights into boosting e-commerce conversions through authentic reviews to the latest happenings at Brand Tasting Club, our blog is your compass in navigating the vibrant world of product feedback. Stay ahead, stay informed.

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Authentic product reviews prevent shopping cart abandonment

Find out why authentic reviews are key to customer retention and how they contribute to ...

From browsing to buying: How reviews influence consumer behavior

Find out how positive and negative reviews are forming consumer purchasing decisions and ...

Reviews and eCommerce Conversion Funnel: Optimise sales through the power of feedback

Optimize your e-shop sales by harnessing the power of authentic reviews. This article ...

Optimizing E-Commerce Conversion through Authentic Reviews

Find out how authentic reviews can increase your e-commmerce conversions. In this ...

E-book: How to do effective review marketing

This e-book is based on the results of dozens of experiments, surveys, observations and ...

Article, UGC
Why authentic reviews are key when shopping online

Online shopping is becoming standard for more and more people. But because they can't see ...



How to drive better conversions with quality reviews?

Having a high conversion rate is an important element in sales. Conversions can be influenced in various ways, and one of the most useful ones is ...

Reviews will boost your SEO