
Brand Testing Club's Blog

Welcome to the pulse of marketing trends, where we delve into the realms of tester communities, microinfluencers, and the transformative impact of user-generated content. From deep insights into boosting e-commerce conversions through authentic reviews to the latest happenings at Brand Tasting Club, our blog is your compass in navigating the vibrant world of product feedback. Stay ahead, stay informed.

Do you want to buy positive reviews from us? 

Of course, we always try to meet your needs. Don't expect anything else. But only within ...

Net Promoter Score: Why and how to measure it

NPS is essential in business. It strongly predicts growth potential, customer ...

When responding to reviews, follow the number of stars and the amount of text

By responding promptly to your reviews, you can easily increase brand trust, customer ...



From browsing to buying: How reviews influence consumer behavior

Find out how positive and negative reviews are forming consumer purchasing decisions and how brands can use this trend to their advantage.

Reviews will boost your SEO